text is behind BottomNavigationView

  1. Start by declaring and initializing a BottomNavigationView object in your Kotlin code:
val bottomNavigationView = findViewById<BottomNavigationView>(R.id.bottom_navigation_view)
  1. Next, create a Menu object to represent the menu items for the BottomNavigationView:
val menu = bottomNavigationView.menu
  1. Add menu items to the Menu object using the add method. Each menu item should have a unique identifier, a title, and an icon:
menu.add(Menu.NONE, R.id.menu_item_home, Menu.NONE, "Home").setIcon(R.drawable.ic_home)
menu.add(Menu.NONE, R.id.menu_item_search, Menu.NONE, "Search").setIcon(R.drawable.ic_search)
menu.add(Menu.NONE, R.id.menu_item_profile, Menu.NONE, "Profile").setIcon(R.drawable.ic_profile)
  1. Set an OnNavigationItemSelectedListener on the BottomNavigationView to handle item selection:
bottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener { menuItem ->
    when (menuItem.itemId) {
        R.id.menu_item_home -> {
            // Handle Home menu item selection
        R.id.menu_item_search -> {
            // Handle Search menu item selection
        R.id.menu_item_profile -> {
            // Handle Profile menu item selection
        else -> false
  1. Optionally, you can set a default selected item for the BottomNavigationView using the selectedItemId property:
bottomNavigationView.selectedItemId = R.id.menu_item_home
  1. Finally, add the BottomNavigationView to your layout XML file:
    app:menu="@menu/bottom_navigation_menu" />

Make sure to replace @menu/bottom_navigation_menu with the actual menu resource file that you created in step 3.

That's it! Your BottomNavigationView should now be set up with menu items and item selection handling.