kotlin boton que te diriga a otra actividad

// Step 1: Create a new activity
// Create a new Kotlin file for the activity (e.g., SecondActivity.kt)

// Step 2: Define the layout for the second activity
// Create an XML layout file for the second activity (e.g., activity_second.xml) to define the UI components

// Step 3: Add a button to the first activity layout
// In the XML layout file of the first activity, add a Button element

// Step 4: Set an OnClickListener for the button
// In the first activity's Kotlin file, find the button by its ID and set an OnClickListener

// Step 5: Create an Intent to start the second activity
// Inside the OnClickListener, create an Intent to start the second activity

// Step 6: Start the second activity using the Intent
// Call startActivity with the Intent as the argument to start the second activity