how to do something else after let in kotlin

To perform actions after using the let function in Kotlin, you can use the also function. The also function allows you to execute additional code on the object within the lambda expression, and it returns the original object.

Here's how you can use the also function in Kotlin:

  1. Create an object or retrieve an existing object that you want to perform actions on.

  2. Use the let function to perform actions on the object. This function takes a lambda expression as a parameter, which allows you to access the object using the it keyword.

  3. Inside the lambda expression of the let function, use the also function to perform additional actions on the object. The also function also takes a lambda expression as a parameter, allowing you to access the object using the it keyword.

  4. The also function will execute the code inside its lambda expression and return the original object.

Here's an example of how you can use the let and also functions together:

val name: String? = "John"

name?.let {
    println("Hello, $it!") // Perform actions on the object
}.also {
    println("This code is executed after the let block.") // Perform additional actions on the object

In this example, the let function is used to perform actions on the name object, which is a nullable String. If the name is not null, it will print "Hello, John!". The also function is then used to print "This code is executed after the let block.".

Note: The also function is similar to the let function in that it allows you to access the object within the lambda expression. The main difference is that the let function returns the result of the lambda expression, while the also function returns the original object.