switch android kotlin

In Kotlin, the "when" keyword is used as a replacement for the traditional "switch" statement in other programming languages. The "when" expression allows you to check a value against multiple possible cases and execute different code blocks based on the matched case.

Here's how the "when" expression works in Kotlin:

  1. The "when" keyword is followed by the value that you want to check. For example:
when (value) {
    // cases and code blocks
  1. After the opening curly brace, you can define multiple cases using the arrow syntax "->". Each case represents a possible value that the "value" may have. For example:
when (value) {
    1 -> {
        // code block for case 1
    2 -> {
        // code block for case 2
    else -> {
        // code block for other cases
  1. You can have multiple code blocks inside each case. The code block associated with the matched case will be executed. If none of the cases match, the code block associated with the "else" keyword will be executed.

  2. You can also use ranges, expressions, and conditions in the cases. For example:

when (value) {
    in 1..10 -> {
        // code block for values between 1 and 10 (inclusive)
    is String -> {
        // code block for string values
    else -> {
        // code block for other cases

That's the basic syntax and usage of the "when" expression in Kotlin. It provides a more concise and readable way to handle multiple cases compared to the traditional "switch" statement.