checkstyle for kotlin project

  1. Add Checkstyle Plugin to Build Script:kotlin plugins { id("checkstyle") }

  2. Configure Checkstyle Version:kotlin checkstyleToolVersion = "8.44"

  3. Apply Checkstyle Configuration:kotlin checkstyle { toolVersion = project.checkstyleToolVersion configFile = project.resources.text.fromFile("config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml") }

  4. Configure Checkstyle Dependency:kotlin dependencies { checkstyle("${project.checkstyleToolVersion}") }

  5. Define Checkstyle Tasks:kotlin tasks.withType<Checkstyle> { dependsOn("compileKotlin") sourceSets = project.sourceSets }

  6. Create Checkstyle Configuration File (checkstyle.xml):

  7. Example configuration file content: ```xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.3//EN" "">


  8. Customize Checkstyle Rules:

  9. Modify the <module> section in checkstyle.xml to define rules.

  10. Run Checkstyle Task:

  11. Execute the following command to run the Checkstyle task: ./gradlew checkstyleMain

  12. Review Checkstyle Reports:

  13. View Checkstyle reports located at build/reports/checkstyle/main.html for detailed information on violations.

  14. Integrate Checkstyle with IDE (Optional):

  15. Integrate Checkstyle with your preferred IDE for real-time feedback during development.

  16. Configure Checkstyle Ignored Files (Optional):

  17. To exclude files or directories from Checkstyle, add exclusion patterns in the checkstyle.xml file.

  18. Adjust Checkstyle Task Dependencies (Optional):

  19. Customize task dependencies based on your project structure and requirements.

  20. Automate Checkstyle Checks (Optional):

  21. Incorporate Checkstyle checks into your CI/CD pipeline for continuous integration.

  22. Update Checkstyle Configuration as Needed:

    • Periodically review and update the Checkstyle configuration to adapt to evolving project standards.
  23. Document Checkstyle Guidelines (Optional):

    • Document and communicate coding standards enforced by Checkstyle to maintain code consistency across the team.