kotlin change visibility

To change the visibility of a class, function, property, or constructor in Kotlin, you can use visibility modifiers. There are four visibility modifiers available in Kotlin:

  1. Public: The public visibility modifier is the default visibility in Kotlin. Public entities can be accessed from anywhere, both within the same module and from other modules.

  2. Internal: The internal visibility modifier restricts the visibility to the same module only. Entities marked as internal can be accessed from any code within the same module, but not from outside.

  3. Protected: The protected visibility modifier allows access to the entity from the same module or its subclasses. It is not applicable to top-level declarations (i.e., declarations that are not inside a class).

  4. Private: The private visibility modifier restricts the visibility to the same class or file. Private entities can only be accessed from within the same class or file.

To change the visibility of a class, function, property, or constructor, you need to specify the desired visibility modifier before the declaration.

Here are the steps to change the visibility:

  1. Identify the entity whose visibility you want to change, such as a class, function, property, or constructor.

  2. Add the appropriate visibility modifier before the declaration. For example, to change the visibility of a class to internal, you would use the internal keyword before the class keyword:

internal class MyClass {
    // class members
  1. Repeat this step for each entity you want to change the visibility of, using the appropriate visibility modifier.

By changing the visibility of an entity, you can control how it can be accessed from different parts of your codebase. This allows you to encapsulate and protect your code, making it easier to maintain and reason about.