kotlin run task every second

To run a task every second using Kotlin, you can make use of the Timer and TimerTask classes. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Import the necessary classes:
import java.util.Timer
import java.util.TimerTask
  1. Create a function to define the task you want to run:
fun runTask() {
    // Code for the task to be executed
  1. Create a Timer object:
val timer = Timer()
  1. Create a TimerTask object to define the task to be executed:
val task = object : TimerTask() {
    override fun run() {
  1. Schedule the task to run every second using the scheduleAtFixedRate method of the Timer object:
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, 1000)

Explanation for each step:

Step 1: The java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask classes are imported to use their functionalities for scheduling and running tasks.

Step 2: A function named runTask is created to define the specific task you want to execute. This function will contain the code that you want to run every second.

Step 3: A Timer object is created to handle scheduling tasks.

Step 4: A TimerTask object is created using an anonymous inner class. This object defines the task that will be executed by calling the runTask function.

Step 5: The scheduleAtFixedRate method of the Timer object is used to schedule the task to run every second. The task object is passed as the first parameter, 0 represents the delay before the first execution, and 1000 specifies the period in milliseconds between subsequent executions.

By following these steps, you can run a task every second using Kotlin.