intellij idea kotlin

Step 1: Open IntelliJ IDEA Step 2: Create a new Kotlin project - Click on "File" in the top menu - Choose "New" and then "Project..." - Select "Kotlin" in the left sidebar - Choose "Kotlin/JVM" as the project template - Click "Next" and provide a name for the project - Click "Finish"

Step 3: Create a new Kotlin file - Right-click on the "src" folder in the project explorer - Select "New" and then "Kotlin File/Class" - Enter a name for the file and click "OK"

Step 4: Write Kotlin code - In the newly created file, write your Kotlin code. For example: kotlin fun main() { println("Hello, Kotlin!") }

Step 5: Run the Kotlin code - Right-click on the editor window with your Kotlin code - Choose "Run 'YourFileNameKt'" - View the output in the "Run" tool window at the bottom

Step 6: Configure Kotlin SDK (if necessary) - If IntelliJ IDEA prompts you to configure Kotlin SDK, follow the instructions: - Click on "Configure Kotlin" in the popup - Choose the desired Kotlin SDK version (download it if needed) - Click "OK" to apply the changes

Step 7: Add dependencies (if necessary) - Open the "build.gradle.kts" file - Add dependencies under the "dependencies" block, for example: kotlin dependencies { implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.5.31") } - Sync the project with the changes

Step 8: Build and test the project - Click on the hammer icon or use "Build" -> "Build Project" from the top menu - Check the "Run" tool window for any build errors - If successful, run the program again to ensure everything is working as expected