Como fazer lista numeraria em Kotlin

To create a numbered list in Kotlin, you can make use of the StringBuilder class and a loop. Here are the steps to create a numbered list in Kotlin:

  1. Initialize a StringBuilder object to store the list.
  2. Define a variable to keep track of the current index.
  3. Start a loop to iterate over the items in your list.
  4. For each item, append the index followed by a period and a space to the StringBuilder object.
  5. Append the item itself to the StringBuilder object.
  6. Increment the index variable.
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for all the items in your list.
  8. Finally, convert the StringBuilder object to a string using the toString() method.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a numbered list in Kotlin:

fun createNumberedList(items: List<String>): String {
    val numberedStringBuilder = StringBuilder()
    var index = 1

    for (item in items) {
        numberedStringBuilder.append("$index. $item\n")

    return numberedStringBuilder.toString()

fun main() {
    val items = listOf("Apple", "Banana", "Orange")
    val numberedString = createNumberedList(items)


1. Apple
2. Banana
3. Orange

In this example, we have a function called createNumberedList that takes a list of strings as input and returns a formatted string representing the numbered list. The main function demonstrates the usage of this function by creating a numbered list from a list of fruits and printing it to the console.