kotlin for loop with float

The Kotlin programming language supports the use of a for loop to iterate over a range of values. This loop can also be used with floating-point numbers. Here are the steps involved in using a for loop with a float value:

  1. Declare the float range: Begin by declaring the range of float values you want to iterate over. For example, you can declare a range from 0.0 to 1.0 with a step size of 0.1.

  2. Use the for loop: Next, use the for loop syntax in Kotlin to iterate over the float range. The syntax is as follows:

    for (variable in range) { // Code to be executed }

In this case, the "variable" represents the variable that will hold the current value of the float range during each iteration.

  1. Perform actions within the for loop: Inside the for loop, you can perform any actions you desire using the current value of the float range. For example, you can print the value to the console or perform calculations based on the value.

  2. Repeat until the end of the range: The for loop will automatically repeat the actions within it for each value in the float range until it reaches the end of the range.

By following these steps, you can use Kotlin's for loop to iterate over a range of float values and perform actions based on each value.