float kotlin

fun main() {
    // Step 1: Declare a variable of type Float and assign a value to it
    val floatValue: Float = 3.14f

    // Step 2: Print the value of the Float variable
    println("The value of floatValue is: $floatValue")

    // Step 3: Perform arithmetic operations on the Float variable
    val resultAddition = floatValue + 2.0f
    val resultSubtraction = floatValue - 1.0f
    val resultMultiplication = floatValue * 3.0f
    val resultDivision = floatValue / 2.0f

    // Step 4: Print the results of the arithmetic operations
    println("Addition Result: $resultAddition")
    println("Subtraction Result: $resultSubtraction")
    println("Multiplication Result: $resultMultiplication")
    println("Division Result: $resultDivision")