horizontal recyclerview item width half of screen android

To set the width of a horizontal RecyclerView item to half of the screen in Android using Kotlin, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new layout file for the RecyclerView item. You can name it something like "item_layout.xml".

  2. In the item_layout.xml file, set the root layout to a LinearLayout or RelativeLayout.

  3. Add the necessary views and widgets to the layout file as per your requirements.

  4. To make the item's width half of the screen, set the width of the root layout to "match_parent" and the weight to "0.5". This will make the item occupy half of the screen width.

  5. Inside the RecyclerView adapter's onCreateViewHolder method, inflate the item_layout.xml file using LayoutInflater.

  6. Return a new ViewHolder object with the inflated view as its parameter.

  7. In the RecyclerView adapter's onBindViewHolder method, bind the data to the views inside the ViewHolder.

  8. Finally, set the adapter for the RecyclerView and handle any other required logic for displaying the items.

Note: Make sure to adjust the item_layout.xml file as per your specific requirements and add any additional logic or functionality as needed.