kotlin inheritance super

In Kotlin, the keyword "super" is used to refer to the superclass of a derived class. It is used to access the properties, methods, and constructors of the superclass. Here are the steps involved in using "super" in Kotlin inheritance:

  1. Declare the superclass: First, you need to declare a superclass using the "open" keyword. This allows the class to be inherited by other classes. For example, you can declare a superclass called "Animal" as follows:

open class Animal { // properties and methods of the superclass }

  1. Declare a derived class: Next, you can declare a derived class that inherits from the superclass. You can use the colon ":" followed by the name of the superclass to indicate inheritance. For example, you can declare a derived class called "Dog" that inherits from the "Animal" superclass:

class Dog : Animal() { // properties and methods of the derived class }

  1. Access superclass properties and methods: Inside the derived class, you can use the "super" keyword to access the properties and methods of the superclass. For example, if the "Animal" class has a method called "makeSound()", you can call it from the "Dog" class using "super.makeSound()".

class Dog : Animal() { fun makeSound() { super.makeSound() // accessing the makeSound() method of the superclass // additional code for the makeSound() method of the derived class } }

  1. Invoke superclass constructor: If the superclass has a constructor, you can invoke it using the "super" keyword. This allows you to initialize the properties of the superclass before initializing the properties of the derived class. For example, if the "Animal" class has a constructor that takes parameters, you can invoke it using "super(parameters)".

class Dog : Animal() { constructor(name: String) : super(name) { // additional code for the constructor of the derived class } }

  1. Override superclass methods: If you want to modify the behavior of a method defined in the superclass, you can override it in the derived class. You can use the "override" keyword to indicate that you are overriding a method. For example, if the "Animal" class has a method called "eat()", you can override it in the "Dog" class.

class Dog : Animal() { override fun eat() { super.eat() // accessing the eat() method of the superclass // additional code for the eat() method of the derived class } }

These are the steps involved in using "super" in Kotlin inheritance. By using the "super" keyword, you can access the properties, methods, and constructors of the superclass from the derived class.