Is there a way to align these boxes (lines)

To align boxes (lines) in Kotlin, you can use the String.format() function along with the % formatting syntax. Here are the steps to align the boxes:

  1. First, define the contents of each box as separate strings.
  2. Determine the maximum width of the boxes. This will be the width of the widest box.
  3. Use the String.format() function to create a formatted string for each box. Use the % formatting syntax to specify the width of each box. For example, %<width>s specifies a width of <width> characters for a string.
  4. Print or display the formatted strings to see the aligned boxes.

Here's an example to illustrate the steps:

fun main() {
    val box1 = "Hello"
    val box2 = "Kotlin"
    val box3 = "World!"

    // Step 2: Determine the maximum width
    val maxWidth = maxOf(box1.length, box2.length, box3.length)

    // Step 3: Use String.format() to format each box
    val formattedBox1 = String.format("%-${maxWidth}s", box1)
    val formattedBox2 = String.format("%-${maxWidth}s", box2)
    val formattedBox3 = String.format("%-${maxWidth}s", box3)

    // Step 4: Print the formatted boxes

This code will align the boxes to the left by using the - flag in the format specifier %-${maxWidth}s. The maxWidth variable is used to specify the width for each box, ensuring that all the boxes have the same width.