kotlin call super constructor

In Kotlin, when calling the super constructor, the following steps are involved:

  1. Identify the parent class: Determine the parent class whose constructor needs to be called. This is usually done by specifying the parent class name after the colon (:) in the class declaration.

  2. Define the constructor: Declare a constructor in the child class that matches the signature of the parent class constructor. This includes providing the same parameters and their types.

  3. Call the super constructor: Use the "super" keyword followed by parentheses to call the parent class constructor. This should be done as the first line of code inside the child class constructor.

  4. Pass arguments: If the parent class constructor requires arguments, provide the necessary values inside the parentheses when calling the super constructor. These values should correspond to the parameters defined in the parent class constructor.

  5. Execute parent class initialization: The parent class constructor is executed, initializing the parent class instance. This includes any initialization code or logic defined in the parent class constructor.

  6. Continue with child class initialization: After the parent class constructor is called and executed, the child class constructor continues with its own initialization code and logic.

By following these steps, you can call the super constructor in Kotlin and ensure that both the parent and child class instances are properly initialized.