copy function in kotlin not working with livedata

The copy function in Kotlin is not directly compatible with LiveData objects because LiveData is designed to be immutable, and the copy function is typically used with mutable objects. However, you can create a copy of a LiveData object by following these steps:

  1. Create a new instance of LiveData: Start by creating a new LiveData object and assign it to a variable. This new LiveData object will hold the copied data.

  2. Observe the original LiveData: Next, you need to observe the original LiveData object. This allows you to receive updates when the data changes.

  3. Update the copied LiveData object: Inside the observer, use the value property of the original LiveData object to get the current value. Then, assign this value to the new LiveData object you created in step 1.

Here is an example of how you can implement these steps:

val originalLiveData: LiveData<Data> = ...
var copiedLiveData: LiveData<Data> = MutableLiveData<Data>()

originalLiveData.observe(lifecycleOwner, Observer { data ->
    copiedLiveData = MutableLiveData<Data>().apply {
        value = data.copy() // Use the copy function of your data class

In this example, originalLiveData is the original LiveData object that you want to copy. Data is the data class that holds the actual data. Replace Data with your own data class.

Please note that the copy function used in the example is a hypothetical function specific to your data class. You will need to replace data.copy() with the appropriate copy function or copy mechanism for your specific data class.