kotlin coroutine channel

Creating a Channel: 1. Import the necessary dependency: implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.5.2" 2. Create a channel using Channel() function: val channel = Channel<Int>()

Sending Elements to the Channel: 1. Use the send function to send elements to the channel: channel.send(1)

Receiving Elements from the Channel: 1. Use the receive function to receive elements from the channel: val element = channel.receive()

Closing the Channel: 1. Use the close function to close the channel: channel.close()

Handling Channel Exceptions: 1. Use try and catch blocks to handle ClosedSendChannelException and ClosedReceiveChannelException when sending or receiving elements from the channel.

Using Channel in a Coroutine: 1. Create a coroutine using launch or async builder. 2. Use send and receive functions within the coroutine to send and receive elements from the channel.

Buffering in Channel: 1. Create a buffered channel using Channel(Channel.BUFFERED) to specify the buffer size. 2. Use offer instead of send to send elements to a buffered channel.

Select Expression with Channel: 1. Use the select expression to receive from multiple channels with a fallback clause.