shouldoverrideurlloading kotlin

To override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method in Kotlin, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare a WebViewClient subclass:
  2. Create a new Kotlin class that extends the WebViewClient class.
  3. Override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method inside the subclass.

  4. Implement the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method:

  5. Override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method and provide your custom logic.
  6. This method is called whenever a new URL is about to be loaded in the WebView.
  7. It takes three parameters: the WebView instance, the URL being loaded, and the request headers.
  8. You can use these parameters to determine whether to load the URL in the WebView or handle it differently.

  9. Add your custom logic:

  10. Inside the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method, you can implement your desired behavior.
  11. For example, you can check the URL being loaded and decide whether to load it in the WebView or handle it in a different way.
  12. You can return true to indicate that you have handled the URL, or false to allow the WebView to handle it normally.

Here's an example implementation of the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method in Kotlin:

class MyWebViewClient : WebViewClient() {
    override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, url: String, headers: Map<String, String>): Boolean {
        // Add your custom logic here
        if (url.contains("")) {
            // Handle the URL differently
            // ...
            return true

        // Load the URL in the WebView
        return false

You can use this MyWebViewClient class as the WebViewClient for your WebView instance to override the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method and implement your custom behavior.