android studio recyclerview show item bottom

Step 1: Create a new XML layout file for the item to be displayed in the RecyclerView.

Step 2: Define the layout for the item in the XML file, including the views and their properties.

Step 3: Create a new XML layout file for the RecyclerView itself.

Step 4: Define the layout for the RecyclerView in the XML file, including setting the orientation and other properties.

Step 5: Create a new class for the RecyclerView adapter that extends RecyclerView.Adapter.

Step 6: Implement the necessary methods in the adapter class, including onCreateViewHolder() and onBindViewHolder().

Step 7: In the onBindViewHolder() method, set the position of the item in the layout based on its index in the data set.

Step 8: In the activity or fragment where the RecyclerView is used, create an instance of the adapter class and set it to the RecyclerView.

Step 9: Set a LayoutManager to the RecyclerView, such as LinearLayoutManager, to control the layout of the items.

Step 10: Optionally, use smoothScrollToPosition() method to scroll to the last item in the RecyclerView when it is loaded or updated.