split string kotlin

The Kotlin programming language provides a built-in function called split() that allows you to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter.

Here are the steps involved in using the split() function in Kotlin:

  1. Start by defining a string variable that you want to split. For example, let's say we have a string variable called myString with the value "Hello,World".

  2. Next, call the split() function on the myString variable. You can use the dot notation to call the function on the variable: myString.split().

  3. The split() function can take an optional parameter, which is the delimiter used to split the string. If no delimiter is provided, it will split the string based on whitespace. For example, if you want to split the string by commas, you can pass a comma as the delimiter: myString.split(",").

  4. The split() function returns an array of substrings. Each substring is created by splitting the original string at each occurrence of the delimiter.

  5. You can assign the result of the split() function to a new variable if you want to store the array of substrings. For example, you can assign the result to a variable called splitArray: val splitArray = myString.split(",").

  6. Finally, you can access the individual substrings in the array using the indexing notation. For example, you can access the first substring in the splitArray using splitArray[0], the second substring using splitArray[1], and so on.

That's it! You have successfully split a string into an array of substrings using the split() function in Kotlin.