kotlin deque

  1. Import the required classes: To use the Kotlin deque, you need to import the necessary classes. This can be done using the "import" keyword followed by the package and class names. For example:

import java.util.ArrayDeque

  1. Create an instance of the deque: To create an instance of the deque, use the "ArrayDeque" class followed by the type of elements you want to store in the deque. For example, to create a deque of integers, you can write:

val deque: ArrayDeque<Int> = ArrayDeque()

  1. Add elements to the deque: To add elements to the deque, you can use the "add" or "addLast" method. For example, to add an element to the end of the deque, you can write:


This will add the element 5 to the end of the deque.

  1. Remove elements from the deque: To remove elements from the deque, you can use the "remove" or "removeFirst" method. For example, to remove the first element from the deque, you can write:


This will remove and return the first element from the deque.

  1. Access elements in the deque: To access elements in the deque, you can use the "get" method. For example, to access the element at index 0 in the deque, you can write:

val element: Int = deque.get(0)

This will assign the first element of the deque to the variable "element".

  1. Check the size of the deque: To check the size of the deque, you can use the "size" property. For example, to get the size of the deque, you can write:

val size: Int = deque.size

This will assign the size of the deque to the variable "size".

  1. Check if the deque is empty: To check if the deque is empty, you can use the "isEmpty" property. For example, to check if the deque is empty, you can write:

val isEmpty: Boolean = deque.isEmpty

This will assign the value "true" if the deque is empty, and "false" otherwise.

  1. Iterate over the elements in the deque: To iterate over the elements in the deque, you can use a "for" loop. For example, to iterate over the elements in the deque and print them, you can write:

for (element in deque) { println(element) }

This will print each element in the deque on a new line.

  1. Clear the deque: To remove all elements from the deque, you can use the "clear" method. For example, to clear the deque, you can write:


This will remove all elements from the deque.

  1. Use other methods: The Kotlin deque provides other useful methods, such as "offer", "peek", and "poll", which can be used to add, access, and remove elements from the deque based on specific requirements.

These are the basic steps involved in using the Kotlin deque. You can further explore the documentation or examples to learn more about the available methods and their usage.