Could not parse the Android Application Module's Gradle config. Resolve gradle build issues and/or resync.

Resolve Gradle Build Issues in Kotlin Android Application Module

Step 1: Check Gradle Configuration Ensure the syntax and structure of the Gradle files are correct, including the build.gradle files in the project and module directories.

Step 2: Check Dependencies Review the dependencies in the build.gradle file to ensure they are properly defined and compatible with the project's Kotlin and Android versions.

Step 3: Sync Gradle Files Trigger a Gradle sync to update the project configuration and resolve any issues related to the Gradle files.

Step 4: Update Gradle Version If necessary, update the Gradle version in the project's file to a compatible version.

Step 5: Invalidate Caches and Restart In Android Studio, perform "File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart" to clear the cache and restart the IDE.

Step 6: Check Plugin Versions Ensure that the Kotlin and Android Gradle plugin versions are compatible with each other and with the project's configuration.

Step 7: Review Error Messages Carefully review any error messages or warnings provided by the IDE or Gradle build to identify specific issues that need to be addressed.

Step 8: Resolve Conflicts Address any conflicts or inconsistencies in the Gradle files, such as duplicate dependencies or conflicting configurations.

Step 9: Clean and Rebuild Perform a clean build of the project to ensure that any previous build artifacts or cached data do not affect the new build process.

Step 10: Test on Different Environments If the issues persist, consider testing the project on different development environments to isolate potential environment-specific problems.