how to run kotlin in vs code

  1. Install Visual Studio Code: Download and install Visual Studio Code from

  2. Install Kotlin Extension: Launch VS Code, go to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X. Search for "Kotlin" in the Extensions view search box and install the "Kotlin" extension provided by JetBrains.

  3. Install Kotlin Compiler: Download and install the Kotlin compiler. You can find the latest version at Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

  4. Configure Kotlin Extension: Open the settings (File > Preferences > Settings or Ctrl+,), search for "kotlin", and configure the "Kotlin: Executable" setting to point to the location of the Kotlin compiler executable on your system.

  5. Create a Kotlin Project: Create a new folder for your Kotlin project. Open this folder in VS Code.

  6. Create a Kotlin File: Inside your project folder, create a new Kotlin file with the .kt extension. For example, HelloWorld.kt.

  7. Write Kotlin Code: Open the Kotlin file in the editor and write your Kotlin code.

  8. Run Kotlin Code: Open the terminal in VS Code (View > Terminal or Ctrl+), navigate to your project folder using the cd command, and then use the Kotlin compiler to run your code. For example:

kotlinc HelloWorld.kt -include-runtime -d HelloWorld.jar java -jar HelloWorld.jar

Replace HelloWorld.kt with the actual name of your Kotlin file.

Now, you should see the output of your Kotlin program in the terminal.