kotlin decode base64

To decode a Base64 string in Kotlin, you can use the Base64 class from the java.util package. Here are the steps to decode a Base64 string in Kotlin:

  1. Import the necessary classes: kotlin import java.util.Base64

  2. Create a Base64.Decoder object: kotlin val decoder = Base64.getDecoder()

  3. Convert the Base64 string to a byte array: kotlin val base64String = "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh" val base64Bytes = base64String.toByteArray()

  4. Decode the byte array using the decode method of the Base64.Decoder object: kotlin val decodedBytes = decoder.decode(base64Bytes)

  5. Convert the decoded byte array to a string: kotlin val decodedString = String(decodedBytes)

That's it! The decodedString variable now contains the decoded string from the Base64 input.