kotlin convert color hex to rgba

To convert a color hex to RGBA in Kotlin, you can use the following code:

fun hexToRGBA(hex: String): String {
    val color = java.awt.Color.decode(hex)
    val red = color.red
    val green = color.green
    val blue = color.blue
    val alpha = color.alpha
    return "rgba($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)"

Explanation: 1. Define a function called hexToRGBA that takes a hexadecimal color value as a parameter. 2. Use java.awt.Color.decode(hex) to convert the hexadecimal color value to a Java Color object. 3. Retrieve the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the color using color.red, color.green, color.blue, and color.alpha respectively. 4. Return a string in the RGBA format using the retrieved color components.