cannot create an instance of class viewmodel kotlin

class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
    // ViewModel implementation

class MyFragment : Fragment() {
    private lateinit var viewModel: MyViewModel

    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
    ): View? {
        // Inflate the layout for this fragment
        val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_my, container, false)

        viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(

        return view

Explanation for each step:

  1. Define MyViewModel class: This class extends the ViewModel class, indicating it will hold and manage UI-related data.

  2. Define MyFragment class: This class extends the Fragment class, representing a portion of the user interface in an activity that can hold UI widgets.

  3. Declare viewModel variable: This variable will hold an instance of MyViewModel and is declared as private lateinit.

  4. Override onCreateView method: This method is a fragment lifecycle method responsible for creating and returning the fragment's view.

  5. Inflate the layout: Using the LayoutInflater, R.layout.fragment_my is inflated, which corresponds to the UI layout for this fragment.

  6. Initialize the ViewModel: ViewModelProvider(this) creates an instance of ViewModelProvider associated with this fragment, and get( retrieves an instance of MyViewModel using the default constructor.

  7. Return the inflated view: Finally, the inflated view is returned to be displayed as part of the fragment's UI. ```