extension function kotlin

Certainly! I'd be happy to help with that. Here is an example of an extension function in Kotlin:

fun String.removeFirstLastChar(): String {
    return this.substring(1, this.length - 1)

Explanation: 1. fun: This keyword is used to declare a function in Kotlin. 2. String.removeFirstLastChar(): This is the signature of the extension function. It extends the String class and adds a new function called removeFirstLastChar. 3. this: Inside the function, this refers to the actual string on which the function is called. 4. substring(1, this.length - 1): This is the implementation of the extension function. It returns a substring of the original string, excluding the first and last characters.

Extension functions in Kotlin allow you to add new functionality to existing classes without inheriting from them. This can be quite useful for adding custom behavior to classes from external libraries or SDKs.