android studio handler deprecated

// Create a Handler instance
val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())

// Post delayed execution after a specified delay
    // Your code logic to execute after the delay
    // For example:
    // Do something here after the delay
}, delayInMillis)


  1. Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()): Initializes a Handler instance associated with the main thread's Looper.

  2. handler.postDelayed({ / code block / }, delayInMillis): Executes the provided code block after the specified delay in milliseconds. Replace / code block / with the logic you want to execute after the delay, and delayInMillis with the desired delay duration in milliseconds.

For example, if you want to execute a piece of code (commented as "Do something here after the delay") after a 2000 milliseconds delay, you'd replace / code block / with that code and set delayInMillis to 2000.