kotlin check if variable is initialized

To check if a variable is initialized in Kotlin, you can use the isInitialized property. Here are the steps to do that:

  1. Declare a variable: Start by declaring the variable using the var keyword. For example: var myVariable: Int.

  2. Check if the variable is initialized: To check if the variable is initialized, you can use the isInitialized property on the variable. This property returns true if the variable has been assigned a value, and false otherwise. For example: myVariable.isInitialized.

  3. Handle the initialized and uninitialized cases: Based on the value of the isInitialized property, you can handle the initialized and uninitialized cases accordingly. For example:

var myVariable: Int
if (myVariable.isInitialized) {
    // Variable is initialized, perform some action
    println("Variable is initialized")
} else {
    // Variable is not initialized, perform some action
    println("Variable is not initialized")

In the above code, if the variable myVariable is initialized, it will print "Variable is initialized". Otherwise, it will print "Variable is not initialized".

That's it! You have now checked if a variable is initialized in Kotlin using the isInitialized property.