kotlin set

// Step 1: Import the necessary library for using sets
import kotlin.collections.setOf

fun main() {
    // Step 2: Create a set using setOf function
    val mySet = setOf("apple", "banana", "orange")

    // Step 3: Access elements of the set using iteration
    println("Elements of the set:")
    for (element in mySet) {

    // Step 4: Check if a specific element is present in the set
    val containsElement = mySet.contains("banana")
    println("Does the set contain 'banana'? $containsElement")

    // Step 5: Add an element to the set
    val newSet = mySet + "grape"

    // Step 6: Remove an element from the set
    val updatedSet = newSet - "apple"

    // Step 7: Print the updated set
    println("Updated set after adding 'grape' and removing 'apple':")
    for (element in updatedSet) {