Kotlin ternary

In Kotlin, there is no built-in ternary operator like in some other programming languages. However, we can achieve similar functionality using the if-else expression. Here are the steps to implement a ternary-like operation in Kotlin:

  1. Declare a variable to store the result of the ternary operation.
  2. Use the if-else expression to check the condition.
  3. If the condition is true, assign the value for the true case to the variable.
  4. If the condition is false, assign the value for the false case to the variable.

Here is an example to illustrate the steps:

val condition = true
val result = if (condition) "Condition is true" else "Condition is false"

In this example, the variable condition is set to true. The if-else expression checks the value of condition. Since it is true, the value "Condition is true" is assigned to the variable result. If the condition were false, the value "Condition is false" would be assigned to result.

Keep in mind that the if-else expression in Kotlin is an expression, which means it returns a value based on the condition. This is why we can assign the result of the expression to a variable directly.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.