glide vs picasso

Glide and Picasso are both popular image loading libraries in Kotlin. They provide similar functionality but have some differences in terms of features and usage.

  1. Dependency Setup: To use Glide, add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.12.0'

To use Picasso, add the following dependency:

implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828'
  1. Image Loading: To load an image using Glide, you can use the following code:

This code loads the image from the imageUrl and displays it in the imageView using Glide.

To load an image using Picasso, you can use the following code:


This code loads the image from the imageUrl and displays it in the imageView using Picasso.

  1. Image Transformation: Both Glide and Picasso allow you to apply transformations to the loaded image. For example, you can resize, crop, or apply filters to the image.

In Glide, you can apply transformations using the apply method:

    .apply(RequestOptions().transform(CenterCrop(), RoundedCorners(10)))

This code applies a CenterCrop transformation and a RoundedCorners transformation to the loaded image.

In Picasso, you can apply transformations using the transform method:

    .transform(CenterCrop(), RoundedCorners(10))

This code applies a CenterCrop transformation and a RoundedCorners transformation to the loaded image.

  1. Caching: Both Glide and Picasso provide caching mechanisms to improve performance and reduce network requests.

In Glide, by default, both the original image and the transformed image are cached:


This code enables caching for both the original image and the transformed image.

In Picasso, by default, only the original image is cached. To enable caching of transformed images, you can use the memoryPolicy method:

    .memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy.NO_CACHE, MemoryPolicy.NO_STORE)

This code enables caching for both the original image and the transformed image.

Overall, both Glide and Picasso are powerful image loading libraries in Kotlin. They offer similar features and functionality, so the choice between them depends on your specific requirements and preferences.