viewmodelproviders deprecated

The ViewModelProviders class in Kotlin has been deprecated in recent versions of Android. This class was previously used to obtain instances of ViewModel in an activity or fragment.

To address this deprecation, we can use the ViewModelProvider class instead. Here are the steps to migrate from ViewModelProviders to ViewModelProvider:

  1. Import the ViewModelProvider class: kotlin import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider

  2. Create an instance of ViewModelProvider using the ViewModelProvider constructor, passing in the ViewModelStoreOwner (such as the activity or fragment) and an optional ViewModelProvider.Factory: kotlin val viewModelProvider = ViewModelProvider(this)

  3. Use the get() method of the ViewModelProvider instance to obtain an instance of the desired ViewModel class. Pass in the class name of the ViewModel as the parameter: kotlin val viewModel = viewModelProvider.get(

  4. You can now use the viewModel instance to interact with your ViewModel as usual.

That's it! By following these steps, you can migrate from using ViewModelProviders to using ViewModelProvider in Kotlin.