typeof kotlin

The typeof keyword is not available in Kotlin. However, you can achieve similar functionality using the is operator or the ::class.java property.

To check the type of a variable or an object in Kotlin, you can use the is operator. It allows you to check if an object belongs to a specific type or its subtypes. The is operator returns true if the object is an instance of the specified type, and false otherwise. Here's an example:

val obj: Any = "Hello, World!"

if (obj is String) {
    println("obj is a String")
} else {
    println("obj is not a String")

In this example, obj is checked if it is an instance of the String type. If it is, the message "obj is a String" is printed; otherwise, the message "obj is not a String" is printed.

Alternatively, you can also use the ::class.java property to get the runtime class of an object. This property returns a Class object that represents the runtime class of the object. Here's an example:

val obj: Any = "Hello, World!"

val objClass = obj::class.java
println("The class of obj is: $objClass")

In this example, the objClass variable stores the runtime class of obj, which is java.lang.String. The class name is then printed using the println function.

These are the ways you can check the type of an object in Kotlin.