hashmap kotlin

// Step 1: Import the HashMap class
import java.util.HashMap

fun main() {
    // Step 2: Create a HashMap instance with keys of type String and values of type Int
    val myHashMap: HashMap<String, Int> = HashMap()

    // Step 3: Add key-value pairs to the HashMap
    myHashMap["One"] = 1
    myHashMap["Two"] = 2
    myHashMap["Three"] = 3

    // Step 4: Access and print values using keys
    println("Value associated with key 'Two': ${myHashMap["Two"]}")

    // Step 5: Check if a key is present in the HashMap
    val keyToCheck = "Four"
    if (myHashMap.containsKey(keyToCheck)) {
        println("$keyToCheck is present with value ${myHashMap[keyToCheck]}")
    } else {
        println("$keyToCheck is not present in the HashMap")

    // Step 6: Remove a key-value pair from the HashMap
    val keyToRemove = "Two"
    println("After removing key '$keyToRemove', HashMap: $myHashMap")

    // Step 7: Iterate through the HashMap using a loop
    println("Iterating through the HashMap:")
    for ((key, value) in myHashMap) {
        println("Key: $key, Value: $value")