how to handle onbackpressed in fragment

To handle the onBackPressed event in a Kotlin fragment, you can follow these steps:

  1. Override the onBackPressed() method in your fragment: This method is called when the back button is pressed. To override it, add the following code inside your fragment class:
override fun onBackPressed() {
    // Handle the back button press here
  1. Implement the OnBackPressedCallback interface: This interface allows you to handle the back button press event. To implement it, add the following code inside your fragment class:
val callback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
    override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
        // Handle the back button press here
  1. Register the callback with the activity: To register the callback with the activity, add the following code inside the onViewCreated() method of your fragment:
requireActivity().onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(viewLifecycleOwner, callback)
  1. Handle the back button press: Inside the handleOnBackPressed() method or the onBackPressed() method, you can write the code to handle the back button press event. For example, you can navigate to a different fragment or perform any other desired action.

That's it! Now your fragment will handle the onBackPressed event. Make sure to customize the code inside the handleOnBackPressed() or onBackPressed() method to suit your specific requirements.