flutter remove debug flag

To remove the debug flag in a Flutter project using the Kotlin language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Flutter project in an IDE or text editor.
  2. Locate the build.gradle file in the android/app directory of your project.
  3. Inside the build.gradle file, find the buildTypes block, which contains different build types such as debug and release.
  4. Within the buildTypes block, find the debug section and remove or comment out the line that sets the debuggable flag to true. It should look like this:
buildTypes {
    debug {
        // Remove or comment out the line below
        // debuggable true
    // ...
  1. Save the build.gradle file.

By removing or commenting out the debuggable true line in the build.gradle file, you are disabling the debug flag for the debug build type in your Flutter project. This means that the resulting APK or bundle will not include the debug information and will be optimized for release.

Note: Removing the debug flag will disable some development features like hot reloading and debugging capabilities. It is recommended to only remove the debug flag when building a release version of your app.