onBackPressed() in fragment

To handle the back button press in a Kotlin fragment, you can override the onBackPressed() method. Here is an explanation of each step involved:

  1. Inside your fragment class, override the onBackPressed() method.
  2. This method is called when the back button is pressed.

  3. Inside the onBackPressed() method, check if the fragment is the currently visible fragment.

  4. You can use the isVisible property to check if the fragment is currently visible.
  5. If the fragment is not the currently visible fragment, you can simply call the super method to let the activity handle the back button press.

  6. If the fragment is the currently visible fragment, perform the desired action.

  7. For example, you can navigate to a different fragment or perform any necessary cleanup before navigating back.

  8. Optional: If you want to prevent the default back button behavior, you can return true from the onBackPressed() method.

  9. Returning true indicates that the back button press has been handled and the default behavior should be ignored.

Here is an example implementation of the onBackPressed() method in a Kotlin fragment:

override fun onBackPressed() {
    if (isVisible) {
        // Perform any desired action before navigating back
        // For example, navigate to a different fragment or perform cleanup

        // Prevent the default back button behavior
        return true

    // If the fragment is not visible, let the activity handle the back button press

This implementation will allow you to handle the back button press in a fragment and perform any necessary actions based on your requirements.