Kotlin throws

Kotlin throws are used to handle exceptions in Kotlin programming language. When an exception occurs in a Kotlin program, it can be thrown using the throw keyword, and then caught and handled using the try-catch block.

Here are the steps involved in using Kotlin throws:

  1. Throwing an exception: To throw an exception in Kotlin, use the throw keyword followed by the exception object. For example, throw RuntimeException("An error occurred") throws a RuntimeException with the message "An error occurred".

  2. Catching and handling exceptions: Exceptions thrown using the throw keyword can be caught and handled using the try-catch block. The try block contains the code that may throw an exception, while the catch block handles the exception if it occurs. Multiple catch blocks can be used to handle different types of exceptions.

kotlin try { // Code that may throw an exception } catch (e: Exception) { // Handling the exception }

If an exception occurs in the try block, the code execution jumps to the corresponding catch block. The exception object is assigned to the variable specified after the catch keyword (in the example above, e is the exception variable).

  1. Finally block: The finally block is optional and can be used to specify code that should be executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not. The code inside the finally block is executed after the try block and any catch blocks.

kotlin try { // Code that may throw an exception } catch (e: Exception) { // Handling the exception } finally { // Code that will be executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not }

The finally block is commonly used to release resources or perform cleanup tasks that are necessary, regardless of the outcome of the try-catch block.

That's it! These are the steps involved in using Kotlin throws to handle exceptions in Kotlin programming language.