kotlin plugin should be enabled before

// Step 1: Create a new Kotlin project
// Open IntelliJ IDEA and choose "Create New Project"
// Select "Kotlin" as the project type and set up the project details

// Step 2: Create a new Kotlin file
// Right-click on the 'src' folder in the project explorer
// Choose "New" -> "Kotlin File/Class"
// Enter a name for the file and click "OK"

// Step 3: Write a simple Kotlin program
// Inside the newly created Kotlin file, write a basic program, for example:
fun main() {
    println("Hello, Kotlin!")

// Step 4: Run the Kotlin program
// Right-click on the file with the main function
// Choose "Run" from the context menu
// View the output in the console

// Step 5: Enable the Kotlin plugin
// If the Kotlin plugin is not enabled, go to "File" -> "Settings" -> "Plugins"
// Search for "Kotlin" in the Marketplace, select it, and click "Install"
// Restart IntelliJ IDEA to apply the changes

// Step 6: Configure Kotlin SDK
// After enabling the Kotlin plugin, configure the Kotlin SDK
// Go to "File" -> "Project Structure" -> "Project"
// Set the "Project SDK" to a valid Kotlin SDK

// Step 7: Convert Java files to Kotlin (Optional)
// If you have existing Java files, you can convert them to Kotlin
// Right-click on the Java file -> "Convert Java File to Kotlin File"
// Review and apply the suggested changes

// Step 8: Explore Kotlin features
// Start exploring Kotlin features and syntax in your project
// Take advantage of Kotlin's concise and expressive language features