kotlin read all inputstream

To read all input from an InputStream in Kotlin, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an InputStream object using the source of the input data.
  2. Create a ByteArray to hold the input data read from the InputStream.
  3. Use a while loop to read from the InputStream into the ByteArray until the end of the input is reached.
  4. Convert the ByteArray to a string or process the data as needed.

Here's a sample code snippet to illustrate the steps:

fun readInputStream(inputStream: InputStream): String {
    val buffer = ByteArray(1024)
    val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
    var bytesRead: Int
    while (inputStream.read(buffer).also { bytesRead = it } != -1) {
        stringBuilder.append(String(buffer, 0, bytesRead))
    return stringBuilder.toString()

In this code, we create a ByteArray called buffer to hold the input data. We then use a while loop to read from the inputStream into the buffer, and append the read data to a StringBuilder called stringBuilder. Finally, we convert the stringBuilder to a string and return the result.