kotlin in how to set without findviewbyid

To set up a view in Kotlin without using findViewById, you can leverage Kotlin Android Extensions or View Binding. Here are the steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Enable Kotlin Android Extensions or View Binding in your project's build.gradle file.

For Kotlin Android Extensions:

android {
    androidExtensions {
        experimental = true

For View Binding:

android {
    viewBinding {
        enabled = true

Step 2: Import the necessary class for accessing views.

For Kotlin Android Extensions:

import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*

For View Binding:

import com.example.app.databinding.ActivityMainBinding

Step 3: Access the view directly by its ID.

For Kotlin Android Extensions:

textView.text = "Hello, Kotlin!"

For View Binding:

val binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
binding.textView.text = "Hello, Kotlin!"

That's it! By following these steps, you can set up views without using findViewById in Kotlin. This approach simplifies your code and makes it more concise and readable.