Run this in a cell at the time you want to convert the notebook to a PDF or HTML file in order to share it, meaning, this code should run in the last cell of your notebook.

To convert a Jupyter notebook to a PDF or HTML file in Julia, you can use the NBConvert package. First, you'll need to install the package by running the following command in a Julia notebook cell:

using Pkg

Once the package is installed, you can use the nbconvert function to convert the notebook. Here is an example of how to convert a notebook to a PDF:

using NBConvert

# Specify the input and output file paths
input_path = "/path/to/input_notebook.ipynb"
output_path = "/path/to/output_notebook.pdf"

# Convert the notebook to PDF
nbconvert(input_path, output_path)

To convert the notebook to an HTML file, you can use the nbconvert function with the HTML() argument:

using NBConvert

# Specify the input and output file paths
input_path = "/path/to/input_notebook.ipynb"
output_path = "/path/to/output_notebook.html"

# Convert the notebook to HTML
nbconvert(input_path, HTML(output_path))

Make sure to replace "/path/to/input_notebook.ipynb" with the actual path to your input notebook, and "/path/to/output_notebook.pdf" or "/path/to/output_notebook.html" with the desired output file path.

Please note that you will need to have a LaTeX distribution installed on your system in order to convert the notebook to a PDF.