angularjs How to get Capacitor Storage values before doing http call IONIC 6

To get the values from Capacitor Storage before making an HTTP call in Ionic 6 with AngularJS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules in your component file:
import { Storage } from '@capacitor/storage';
  1. Create a function to retrieve the data from Capacitor Storage:
async getDataFromStorage() {
  const { value } = await Storage.get({ key: 'your_key' });
  return value;
  1. Call the getDataFromStorage() function before making the HTTP call:
async makeHttpCall() {
  const data = await this.getDataFromStorage();
  // Use the retrieved data in your HTTP call
  1. You can now use the retrieved data in your HTTP call.

This approach allows you to asynchronously retrieve the data from Capacitor Storage before making the HTTP call. By using the await keyword, the HTTP call will wait for the data retrieval to complete before proceeding.

Remember to replace 'your_key' with the actual key under which your data is stored in Capacitor Storage.

This code snippet demonstrates how to get the values from Capacitor Storage before making an HTTP call in Ionic 6 with AngularJS.