onion omega location of files on sd

To locate files on an SD card using the Go language on an Onion Omega device, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Import the required packages:
  2. Use the github.com/stianeikeland/go-rpio package to access the GPIO pins on the Omega device.
  3. Use the github.com/onion/i2c package to communicate with the I2C bus.

  4. Initialize the SD card:

  5. Use the rpio.Open() function to open the GPIO pins for communication.
  6. Use the rpio.SpiBegin() function to initialize the SPI bus.
  7. Use the rpio.SpiSpeed() function to set the SPI speed.
  8. Use the rpio.SpiChipSelect(0) function to select the SD card as the SPI chip.

  9. Send commands to the SD card:

  10. Use the rpio.SpiXfer() function to send commands to the SD card.
  11. Send the command CMD0 to reset the SD card.
  12. Send the command CMD8 to check the SD card's voltage range.
  13. Send the command CMD55 followed by ACMD41 to initialize the SD card.

  14. Read the response from the SD card:

  15. Use the rpio.SpiXfer() function to read the response from the SD card.
  16. Parse the response to check if the initialization is successful.

  17. Read the file directory:

  18. Use the i2c.Open() function to open the I2C bus.
  19. Use the i2c.WriteBytes() function to send a command to the SD card to read the file directory.
  20. Use the i2c.ReadBytes() function to read the file directory from the SD card.

  21. Process the file directory:

  22. Parse the file directory to extract the file names and their locations.
  23. Store the file names and locations in a data structure for further use.

Please note that the above steps are a general guideline for accessing and reading files on an SD card using the Go language on an Onion Omega device. Actual implementation may require additional steps or modifications based on the specific hardware and library you are using.