check a pair of cell with list of pairs google sheet

To check a pair of cells with a list of pairs in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Sheets document containing the list of pairs.
  2. Identify the two cells you want to compare.
  3. Use the formula =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A1:A=B1:B, "Match", "No Match")) in a new column to compare the pairs of cells. Replace A1:A and B1:B with the range of cells that contain the pairs you want to compare.
  4. The formula will return "Match" if the pairs in the two cells are the same, and "No Match" if they are different.
  5. Adjust the formula to fit the range of cells you are working with, if necessary.
  6. Review the new column to see the results of the comparison for each pair of cells.

By following these steps, you can easily compare pairs of cells in a list using Google Sheets.