struct is not nil golang

Explanation of a Non-Nil Struct in Go

In Go, a struct is not nil by default, even if it is not explicitly initialized. When a struct is declared without any initialization, its fields are set to their respective zero values, but the struct itself is not nil. This behavior is different from some other languages where an uninitialized struct would be considered nil or null.

If you want to explicitly create a nil struct, you can use a pointer to the struct type. This means that the pointer will have a nil value until it is explicitly assigned to a struct instance using the address-of operator (&) or the new function.

Here's an example to illustrate this behavior:

package main

import "fmt"

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func main() {
    var p1 Person
    var p2 *Person

    fmt.Println(p1)  // Output: { 0}
    fmt.Println(p2)  // Output: <nil>

In the example above, p1 is a non-nil struct, while p2 is a pointer to a struct with a nil value. This demonstrates the difference between a non-nil struct and a nil pointer to a struct in Go.