golang copy struct

To copy a struct in Go (also known as golang), you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new instance of the struct you want to copy. This will serve as the destination for the copied values.

  2. Assign the values from the source struct to the destination struct. You can do this by simply using the assignment operator (=) and assigning each field from the source struct to the corresponding field in the destination struct.

For example, if you have a struct called "Person" with fields like "Name" and "Age", and you want to copy the values from an existing "person1" to a new "person2", you can do:

person2 := Person{} person2.Name = person1.Name person2.Age = person1.Age

This will copy the values of the "Name" and "Age" fields from "person1" to "person2".

  1. If your struct contains nested structs or reference types (like pointers or slices), you need to handle them separately. For example, if your struct has a field that is a pointer to another struct, you need to copy the values of the pointed-to struct as well.

To copy nested structs, you can repeat the above steps for each nested struct, assigning the values from the source struct to the destination struct.

If your struct has reference types like slices, you may need to create new slices and copy the values from the source slice to the destination slice.

Keep in mind that the above steps are a shallow copy, meaning that if your struct contains reference types, the copied struct will still reference the same underlying data as the original struct. If you need a deep copy, where the copied struct has its own independent copies of the referenced data, you will need to manually handle the deep copying of these referenced types.

That's the basic process of copying a struct in Go. Remember to adjust the steps based on the specific structure of your code.