golang for loop

The Go programming language, also known as Golang, provides a for loop construct that allows you to repeatedly execute a block of code. Here are the steps involved in using a for loop in Go:

  1. Initialization: The for loop starts with an initialization statement that is executed only once before the loop begins. It typically initializes a loop control variable or performs any necessary setup.

  2. Condition: After the initialization, the loop enters a condition check. The condition is a boolean expression that determines whether the loop should continue executing or not. If the condition is true, the loop body is executed. If it's false, the loop terminates, and the program continues with the next statement after the loop.

  3. Loop body: If the condition evaluates to true, the loop body is executed. The loop body contains the code that will be executed repeatedly until the condition becomes false. It can consist of one or more statements or even nested loop structures.

  4. Post statement: After executing the loop body, the for loop typically contains a post statement. This statement is executed after each iteration of the loop body. It is commonly used to update the loop control variable or perform any necessary cleanup.

  5. Repeat: Once the post statement is executed, the loop returns to the condition check. If the condition is still true, the loop body is executed again, and the process repeats. If the condition is false, the loop terminates, and the program continues with the next statement after the loop.

By using the for loop construct in Go, you can easily iterate over a sequence of values, perform a specific action a certain number of times, or repeatedly execute a block of code until a certain condition is met.