go jump back to an outer loop

To jump back to an outer loop in the Go programming language, you can use the "goto" statement. The "goto" statement allows you to transfer control to a labeled statement within the same function. Here are the steps to jump back to an outer loop using "goto":

  1. Identify the label of the outer loop that you want to jump back to. A label is a name followed by a colon (":").

  2. Use the "goto" statement followed by the label of the outer loop. For example, if the label of the outer loop is "outerLoop", you would write "goto outerLoop".

  3. The program execution will now jump back to the labeled statement, effectively restarting the outer loop.

Please note that the use of "goto" statements is generally discouraged in modern programming practices, as it can make code harder to read and understand. It is recommended to use other control flow constructs like "break" or "continue" statements to achieve similar results in a more structured manner.